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About This Course
Welcome to the Robert O’Brien Online Fretwork Course. This course, presented by Michael Bashkin of Bashkin Guitars, will teach you everything you need to know to do professional fretwork. Michael covers it all from diagnosing issues all the way to delivering the completed job to the client. Everything from fretboard preparation to final dressing and polishing of the frets is covered. Even hard to find information like compression fretting, hemispherical fret ends and compound radii are covered. Sit back and watch as Michael shares knowledge gained over his career as one of the world’s leading luthiers. The course was filmed in High Definition and contains over 4 hours of quality video instructions with all the ins and outs of how to do a professional fretjob.
Learn about:
- Diagnosing the problem
- Coming up with a plan
- Partial or complete re-fret?
- Removing frets
- Fretboard geometry
- How to level and radius the fretboard
- Proper amount of relief
- Preparing and cleaning fret slots
- Fretboards with inlay
- Types and sizes of fretwire
- Hemispherical fret ends
- Compression fretting
- Removing the tang for use on bound fretboards
- Hammer or press frets in?
- How to install, level, recrown and dress frets
- Clamping techniques
- Dressing Compound radius fretboards
- To glue or not to glue? What type of glue?
Learn professional fretwork from one of the world’s leading luthiers. Happy Fretwork!
This course filled in a lot of gaps in my fretwork knowledge. Thanks! Dan
×Can’t say enough about how well Michael presents his techniques, the tools and reasoning behind his methods. He's a great communicator and obviously has a lot of experience. Tony
I just finished this course as well and it will change my procedures in installing frets, refretting, etc. Michael
I'm finishing up the Micheal Bashkin fret course and wanted to let you know how awesome it is. I have received a few compliments on the frets for my first few guitars and, while I find working the fretboard and frets to be super challenging, I was feeling full of myself with the results. Then I took your course--and Wow! Michael's insights and level of workmanship left me feeling a bit oafish. This is a course I'll be going back to repeatedly and I'm looking forward to applying his techniques on fretboard prep to minimize the need for leveling and recrowning the frets after installation. Thanks again for all you do to advance luthiery and my skills! Todd
Wow that Michael is some great teacher! So relaxed and articulate. Jay
Just purchased the Michael Bashkin fretting course. I have done a bunch of fret work, but I recently read a review of Michael’s approach (I think it was in American Lutherie), and it hit my tipping point. There is always something new to learn. I appreciate that you provide these online courses. John
His fretwork course is absolutely amazing! Always something new to learn Karan
The hemispherical fret ends are my next "to-do" list. Absolutely amazing course at www.obrienguitars/courses Jeff
I wanted to compliment you on the last few courses that I purchased online. Jeff's latest level sanding and Bashkin's fretwork. These were top notch productions and very informative. Peter
I bought it the second I got the email from @obrien_guitars Absolutely fantastic! Zenncanters
This lesson series was a wealth of technical knowledge, and anyone looking to push their fretting techniques to higher levels should absolutely take a step into the "digital lesson workshop". Karikker Customs
I’m watching it now. It is really well done. J Roadman
Michael is taking me to school with his new course on fretting. I've been doing this for a good while now but it doesn't mean there isn't more to learn; I'm only on the 4th lesson and indeed, there is more to learn! Christian
Thanks for putting together these excellent tutorial videos on Fretwork. Dermot
Michael is very clear in his explanations and puts forward his methods without being dogmatic pointing out different ways of doing things. The camera work is excellent with good close ups. Well worth the money! Dave
I've just been watching the new Michael Bashkin's refret course. Than you for your opportunity to learn. Atsushi in Japan
Just finished the course. It's absolutely lovely! And some very useful information in there. Thanks Robbie and Michael for putting this together! Karan in India
This is a great series and will make you better immediately. Elaine
This is a really great course, I am glad you guys took the time to put it together. John
Half way thru course and really enjoying it. Rich
I have been searching for information on how to do hemispherical fret ends and you did a great job presenting it. Can't wait to do this on my fret jobs! Rich
Wow! Really enjoyed the part about compression fretting! Thanks for making this available. Tony
This course filled in a lot of gaps in my fretwork knowledge. Thanks! Dan
Fantastic. I love Michael’s podcast and I look forward to seeing him in the spotlight for a change.
Bashkin is awesome! Karan