About This Course
Welcome to the Robert O’Brien Online Fretwork Course. This course, presented by Kent Everett of Everett Guitars, will teach you everything you need to know to do a professional fretjob. Everything from fretboard preparation to final dressing and polishing of the frets is covered. Sit back and watch as Kent works his magic and passes along valuable information learned from 40 years of experience and having done a ton of fretjobs. The course was filmed in High Definition and contains over 3 hours of quality video instructions with all the ins and outs of how to do a professional fretjob.
Learn about:
- How to level and radius the fretboard
- Fret installation before or after neck installation?
- Preparing and cleaning fret slots
- Fretboards with inlay
- Types and sizes of fretwire
- Removing the tang for use on bound fretboards
- Hammer or press frets in?
- How to install, level, recrown and dress frets
- To glue or not to glue?
- How to roast your own coffee
Please read the FAQ page before beginning. To begin just register/login and purchase the video lessons.
It has never been easier to learn how to do a killer fret job. Happy Fretting!
The fret course I purchased was worth it, just the 3 or 4 details I learned was easily worth 85$. Will save me much time and MONEY! Jason
×I finished the rest of the course today and enjoyed it a lot – in addition to learning a lot of new information (and I already built one of those 13th fret cauls) Larry
Thanks for putting together these excellent tutorial videos on Fretwork. Dermot
I thought Kent shared some great information on Fretwork and had a brilliant sense of humour throughout too. Dermot
I thoroughly enjoyed Kent Everett’s fretwork videos Russ
I purchased your ‘fret” (online) class and just finished refretting one of the Martin guitars I use for “work’ With EVO Gold frets. Have been a working guitarist and session singer for the last 40 years. The guitar came out great thanks to Kent’s tutelage!! Larry
The fret course I purchased was worth it, just the 3 or 4 details I learned was easily worth 85$. Will save me much time and MONEY! Jason
This course was a light bulb moment for me making an otherwise gnarly, time consuming and no-fun task into a breeze. Peter