Perfect Neck Set

A perfect neck to body joint can be difficult to achieve. Luthier, Jeff Jewitt, shows how to make this difficult task an easy one, allowing you to get a perfect neck set every time.

Buy Now $87.45 12 Lessons 1:49:36

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About This Course

Welcome to the Robert O’Brien Online Perfect Neck Set Course. This course, filmed and presented by luthier and finishing guru, Jeff Jewitt of Homestead Finishing Products, will teach you everything you need to know to achieve a perfect neck set when building your guitar. This is not a complete how to build a guitar course but rather a course that focuses on steps that give a lot of builders issues when trying to get a perfect neck to body joint. Follow along as Jeff demystifies the entire neck setting process from geometry and layout to cutting the neck joint and installing it on your guitar.

The course was filmed in High Definition and comes with a downloadable PDF handout so you can follow along with the specifics related to the perfect neck set.

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It has never been easier to learn how to do a professional quality neck joint. Happy Building!

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I have used the method on my last guitar and on the current build. I like it a lot and the video is excellent on instruction, explanation, and theory. Peter
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I agree that EVERYTHING from Jeff (as well as all videos from Luther Academy) is top-notch; best bargain on the internet. Thanks both Robbie and Jeff. Steve
This was an outstanding course. Jeff, I now use your methods for my own builds and well as when teaching my students. Highly recommended! Michael Whitney - Whitney Guitars
Your perfect neck set course on Robbie O’Brien's site is great." Wave Guitars and Ukuleles
I just wanted to say how great your neck set course was. I've built a few guitars previously, and while I used math and measurement, setting the neck angle was always a time consuming exercise in hope, frustration, and ultimately disappointment and marginal results (eg. shimmed fingerboard extensions, higher than desirable actions). I used your method on my current build and when I bolted the neck on after rough shaping the heel it was one of those "I'll be damned" moments. It was perfect off the saw! Neil
I just finished the Perfect Neck Set course. It addressed several problems I’ve experienced, not the least of which is the 14th fret hump. I’m glad you recommended this course to me, and I can't wait to try Jeff’s process out! Larry
Some time ago you suggested the Perfect Neck Set course to help avoid my 14th fret humps. I started on that course tonight – thanks again for these excellent courses! Larry
I just bought Jeff's neck setting course. It may be a game changer for me as getting a good neck (and fingerboard extension) fit has been a matter of luck, prayer, and cursing. Thanks for making all that content available. Neill
I just bought Jeff's neck setting course. It may be a game changer for me as getting a good neck (and fingerboard extension) fit has been a matter of luck, prayer, and cursing. Thanks for making all that content available. Neill
I decided to subscribe to your site because there are a few things that I struggle a bit with, like neck angle. Now that I saw Mr. Jewitt’s video, I know what to do. Just as a note, this gentleman is a very good teacher. Calm, interesting and he takes the time to show all the little details. I really enjoyed his video. Jean-Guy
I have bought your online course (perfect neck set), I am delighted, I think the explanation is great and it has been very helpful. Iker
I have used the method on my last guitar and on the current build. I like it a lot and the video is excellent on instruction, explanation, and theory. Peter
Jeff Jewitt's video on neck angle was excellent. My neck set is sliding dovetail, string height at the twelfth fret is 0.07", and the only sanding required was reducing the neck height by sanding the dovetail sides. No angle adjustment required! All good and worth the expense. Jeff
Jeff Jewitt's "Perfect Neck Set" Video is very well done, informative, and his procedure if followed, and it's explained and shown in super detail, will get you where you want to go. Some of my guitars came out perfect, others required some "adjustment" and I wanted to get a repeatable procedure yielding a perfectly level fretboard from nut to sound hole. I am in the middle of Jeff's course and highly recommend it. Peter
Chapter 1 • Preparation
Introduction 6:16
Lesson 1: Side Layout 4:27
Lesson 2: Pre-Profiling 7:52
Lesson 3: Final Profiling 11:53
Lesson 4: Final Body Prep 14:23
Chapter 2 • Execution
Lesson 1: Neck Intro 3:11
Lesson 2: Truss Rod 8:02
Lesson 3: Stacked Heel Glue Up 5:06
Lesson 4: Peghead Overlay Glue Up 5:01
Lesson 5: Tapering Neck 10:00
Lesson 6: Cutting the Tenon 25:06
Lesson 7: Finessing Neck Fit 8:19