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About This Course
Welcome to the Robert O'Brien Online Repair and Restoration course.
Doing repair work requires a different skill set than building an instrument. I believe that building instruments doesn’t make you a repair person and vice versa. That is why I have put together this course that specifically addresses the skills needed to do quality repair and restoration work. Over the course of more than a year I documented several instruments that came across my bench for repair work. Some only needed a simple setup but others required a complete restoration.
In this course I show how to evaluate an instrument when it comes into the shop and decide what needs to be done, develop a plan of attack for the work needed and then how to execute the repair, be it structural or cosmetic. I am sure you will pick up a few tricks along the way as I show how I do repairs and setups on a variety of instruments.
Learn about:
- Evaluating an instrument that needs work. Do this in front of the client if possible!
- Developing a plan for needed work
- Crack repair – side, back and soundboard
- Finish repair
- Setups on a variety of instruments – One of the most common jobs in a shop
- How to repair loose braces inside an instrument
- Fretwork – replacing, crowning, leveling
- Making a new nut and saddle
- How to remove and re-glue a bridge
- Complete restorations – Yikes! The instrument is in pieces!!
- Re-finishing a soundboard and peghead
- Inlay repair
- The importance of humidity
- Pickup installation
- Neck removal
- Resonator guitar repair and setup
- Banjo repair and setup
- Floyd Rose style floating tremolo bridge setup
- Telecaster setup
- Diagnosing and fixing string buzz
Please read the FAQ page before beginning. To begin just register/login and purchase the video lessons. Due to the large files sizes, this is a stream only course. After purchasing you may view the video lessons as many times as you like.
I love your videos and they are my go to on everything guitar repair! Kristeen
×I love your videos and they are my go to on everything guitar repair! Kristeen
I loved your video on repairing and refinishing the 1860’s Martin. Beautiful job! I felt I was watching a real master accomplish miracles. Also was the first time I’ve heard you play. Very nice. Thanks for all the online info you provide so openly to the luthier community. Lorne - Vancouver Island
I like the Repair and Restoration Videos. Thanks for putting them together. Do you ever sleep ? Dermot
. I am enjoying the videos very much - have already learned a ton. Mike