Online Courses

Years of advice to shorten your learning curve.

Courses Catalogue

I am proud to be your student Inno Cent Fazeez - Pakistan
See what others are saying


Thanks for your work. I have really enjoyed learning from your videos and it’s been very satisfying to make instruments I can be proud of. Ron
Thanks for your work. I have really enjoyed learning from your videos and it’s been very satisfying to make instruments I can be proud of. Ron
I’ve built five guitars at this point and have enjoyed your instruction and techniques. Bill
I’m such a sucker for your courses. Just bought another one as I’m intrigued with CNC even if I may never get one. Right now I’m enjoying mostly handwork with a few power tools. Jon
Thanks so much Robbie. I gotta tell you, you are an entertaining and inspiring luthier and teacher. I can't tell you how much I've learned from your videos. Your wisdom and humor is much appreciated. Tom
Your videos are amazing and so well done. I am retiring from my ‘day job’ as a physician at Mayo Clinic and will be transitioning to doing repairs for Martin and Taylor and others full time, and definitely plan on taking a few of your courses on your website. Thank you! Kurt
Just wanted to take a few minutes and personally thank you...To my delight, I discovered Lutherie Academy and have been glued to my laptop learning EXACTLY what I have been searching for over this past year as I have invested hundreds of hours watching YouTube videos (many great ones) and tens of thousands of dollars to acquire all of the tools & supplies need to complete my first electric guitar build and hopefully many more to come for personal use, friends, and family. The relative expense of necessary quality equipment alone easily justifies the online learning course costs. So thankful I discovered Lutherie Academy and even more for the incredible amount of effort you have poured into providing a superb level of education. Dave in Miami
Thanks for your help and fabulous courses! David in Canada
I have a son who has already put in a request for several guitars. I'm so glad to have your videos. Blake
You are awesome! Thank you for sharing all your videos, I really have learned so much from you even though I have only met you briefly. Your amazing! Chad
Your free content is great, but your paid content is spectacular. I've bought three classes now, the French Polish class; Jeff's 'Perfect Neck Set' and most recently your voicing class. Each time after finishing the course (or really after about the 5th time I've watched it because there is so much info to unpack in each one)I say 'man that was some of the best money I've ever spent' Your classes have greatly improved my guitar building. Neil
I've been enjoying and learning from your online tutorials and videos for years, and I wanted to say how beneficial they are. Clyde
I have purchased a few of the online courses and all have been great! Jason
Your videos have been an enormous resource for me. Even more so, considering the timing and perfect amount of completeness, when I compare them with others online who take three times as much to say the same thing. I own about maybe a third and will be buying more as needed. Keep it up. Jon
By the way , the acoustic steel string building coarse and the Everett fret course are awesome! Mike
By the way , the acoustic steel string building coarse and the Everett fret course are awesome! Mike
Even if you are an experienced luthier, Robbie's courses can give you excellent insights into ways to improve your build practice. Doug
You have a monopoly on the best lutherie education in the world! Jon
your classical guitar voicing and guitar analysis and testing courses along with Gore's books are some of the best purchases I've ever made!
I can highly recommend Robbie O'Brien's video courses - a wealth of information for new luthiers. Probably next best thing to learning directly from a luthier in his workshop. Roman
I decided recently that I would like to make my own guitar but I am a complete newbie to guitar making (though have some experience with construction and a little woodworking) and find your content super helpful. Jeff
Thanks for the videos, great content! Mike
I purchased your excellent video course on building an acoustic guitar and am in the middle of building 2 00's and one slope shouldered dread. You are a very good teacher. I purchased the archtop course as well. Jimmy
I recently started building acoustic steel string guitars. On Number 4. Your videos have been Instrumental to my success.
At your shop this past February we built an OM from raw lumber all the way thru applying a French polish finish and giving it a full set-up in six days. It was a blast not only getting to work side-by-side with you but also to spend time chatting about business, sharing shop stories and hearing about your journey teaching lutherie. Although I learned a lot there in person with you, I believe I learned as much (if not more) from your instructional videos. Just having the videos with me in my shop and playing thru every step of the build while I was working was an invaluable tool and probably the one tool I most highly recommend. Neil
At your shop this past February we built an OM from raw lumber all the way thru applying a French polish finish and giving it a full set-up in six days. It was a blast not only getting to work side-by-side with you but also to spend time chatting about business, sharing shop stories and hearing about your journey teaching lutherie. Although I learned a lot there in person with you, I believe I learned as much (if not more) from your instructional videos. Just having the videos with me in my shop and playing thru every step of the build while I was working was an invaluable tool and probably the one tool I most highly recommend. Neil
Thanks so much for all the info you make available to the amateur luthier community and your documentary work about the great builders. It is truly amazing. David
A little while ago I bought your Neck Angle Jig plan. It is ready now, with alterations for my Stewmac templates and I used it now for the first time. It works super fine. The neck angle is right away perfect, as is the centre alignment. What a saving of time to get the joint right. So for that I want to thank you. Herman from Holland
I've purchased several video classes from The Luthier Academy and have been very pleased with the quality of the presentations and information. Steve
Strong plug for Robbie O’Brien and his videos, no matter which title, there is always value! Bruce in Canada
I started from a position of (no tools, no woodworking experience), and I found building from a stewmac kit on my first project to be a nice first step. I found watching Robbie's online courses while doing the build helped me get a good feel for the jump from a kit to building from scratch. Ryan
Your courses and Tips de Jour videos have been a great help, and my guitars have improved considerably. John
I had already built 11 guitars and several old time and gourd banjos when I discovered your courses, and you have answered so many questions and cleared up so many gray areas. I currently have 3 ukuleles and 2 banjos in process and material on the bench ready to start another OM. Keep up the great work. John
I’m sure you get this a lot, but wanted to say thank you so much for the hard work you put into your videos. I built my first guitar from your videos in 2014 and have built about 10 so far (which also helped me get through COVID)—I watch your videos every single time. Ryan
You have an excellent web site (not to mention the outstanding content.) You've helped me so much over the years.. Allen
You keep making the course videos and I'll keep working my way through them! Todd
The Academy is looking really good. Kudos and thanks for getting together such a fine resource for luthiers. I recently purchased a couple more classes I've been eyeing for a while, and then a couple more for posterity and support of your network. Rick
Thanks for all you've done to help new builders & I dream of taking your course some day! Tom
Thanks for all you've done to help new builders & I dream of taking your course some day! Tom
I really appreciate all you do for those of us learning this craft. Mark
Without your videos I would have never finished my first guitar. Tommy
I would not start with a book at all, but with Robbie O’Brien’s acoustic guitar video course. For me that was money well spent and provided a level of success that encouraged me to move on to #2. ... Brad
I have purchased/watched most of Robbie O’Brien’s guitar making videos, and for those who would benefit from videos over books, I think they are wonderful. Well worth the money. Don
Your videos have been, and still are, extremely helpful to me. You also kindly answered an email I sent you and gave me good advice about cutting binding channels when I got to that point on the previous build. Thanks! Mark
Your courses have helped me change my life. Jay
Mate I can’t thank you enough for your videos. My last guitar is awesome, next one hopefully better. Chris in Australia
I greatly admire your artistry and woodworking skills along with the great video library you’ve created. Ken
Best guitar teacher on the Internet!!!!! Walters Guitars
I attended a Trevor Gore class at your home last July, and also have purchased a number of your online courses and have found them all to be very helpful. Aaron
I have been waiting 40 years to do this and I am so grateful that you are doing what you do. Rex
Thanks for all the online courses Mr. O’Brien. I’m not a young guy any more but, I’m still excited to learn more on this hobby. Tim
I enjoy your courses, I'm anxious to start another one. I take summer courses at Oberlin and Ashland ohio and find the streaming content far more practical and informative. I like the live contact and such but really find streaming content overall more helpful and of course repeatable. Jess
Guitar building and repair has come a long way with people like Robbie sharing information! TJ
Guitar building and repair has come a long way with people like Robbie sharing information! TJ
I have a few guitars under my belt, but the tips and tricks I have learned from your material have really helped me out. John
Thanks for all the online courses Mr. O’Brien. I’m not a young guy any more but, I’m still excited to learn more on this hobby. Tim
I felt motivated to send you a quick note to basically say thank you. In a very short time, it has become obvious that you have incredible passion, skills, knowledge, and experience as a luthier. What makes you even more impressive is that you have a gift in sharing all you have to offer with others. All of that in one person seems rare. Look forward to learning a lot, lot, lot more with you. Bob
Dear Robert This is Marcelo Lima from Carapicuíba, Brazil. You don’t how happy you made me feel! I just completed my first guitar following your videos. I’m sure it’s not world class but it sounds great! The next one will be much better. Thanks a lot. You are a great teacher. Abraços   Marcelo - Brazil
Learned soooo much from Robbie O'Brien,, and continue to do so! Scott
Learned soooo much from Robbie O'Brien,, and continue to do so! Scott
I can highly recommend Robbie O'Brien’s Lutherie Academy courses. I have purchased many of these courses- acoustic guitar (steel string), flamenco guitar, all of the finishing courses, fretting, voicing, neck set, Arm bevel,… Larry
Thanks Robbie for teaching and publishing your method of guitar action setup. This has been the easiest neck fingerboard, bridge, saddle action setup yet. Very much appreciated. David
Your courses and online tips have been a great help on my Luthiery journey! Eric
I can highly recommend Robbie O'Brien's video courses - a wealth of information for new luthiers. Probably next best thing to learning directly from a luthier in his workshop. Roman
Mostly, many thanks to being able to study with you, by way of your online classes and the way you present them, I was able to progress light years faster than any book I could have read or u tube video watched. To see the look on someone's face when they first play and hear their guitar, and experience that joy with them makes it all worth while. I am very much looking forward to studying with you in the new year at your shop and building a truly special guitar for my son. Stan
Great job Robert you always do wonderful work and then I think to myself I’m gonna pay attention because someday someone might want me to do that and I think I can do it just by watching you do it. You’re that good at teaching people you don’t even realize that I guess, but thank you for all you’ve done, and all you will do you’re a good man David
I always love your videos! They help to keep me informed on techniques and builders as I take the next steps towards being a luthier. It’s always valuable information and I’ve learned lots far. Thank you. Kyle
All of the courses I've purchased from you are top notch. Thanks again. Kenny
I’ve loved all the online courses. I think they are completely worth the money- I watch them over and over. Larry
Robbie is a true gentleman and an excellent resource for all things lutherie. I learned a ton from his videos, and he was kind enough to call me and speak for almost an hour when I first started taking this seriously. He gave me excellent advice and helped ease my mind about the decisions I was making. I'm super grateful for him. Jim
A great bonus when buying Robbie's video course is access to his forum. It is full of great builders and a lot of useful threads to search. Jim
Robbie is for a woodworking novice as well as more advanced. No better teacher for someone starting out. John
I'd like to thank you for all the amazing content your provide for free on lutherie! You have such a wealth of knowledge and you could hide it behind pay walls, but you share so much in Luthier Tips Du Jour and on your site - just amazing! Thank you for sharing! Chan
Thank you for the vast amount of knowledge and experience you have chosen to share with fellow luthiers. I have taken several of your on-line courses the last few years and have progressed a lot, in a large part because of these courses. Mike
Thank you so much for all of the material you are making available and the community you have built with O'Brien Guitars and now the Lutherie Academy!! Dave
I wanted to say “thanks very much!” for your very helpful products & website, as well as for your prompt answers to my many questions by email! Robert
Love your videos! Michael
I have bought several online courses from you now. I am delighted with all purchases - Acoustic - classical and Flamenco, I am very satisfied. You have added me to the chat group and I really enjoy it After I bought the flamenco guitar course, I sent a greeting to Paco, telling him that I appreciated the way he And you teach these courses Edgar
I am impressed by what you have created with your internet courses and love your teaching style. Tim
Just wanted you to know, with the aid of your video's I have built 6 guitars. They have turned out quite good. Thank you for that. Patrick
Robert, your efforts to bring us information, techniques and courses is just wonderful. I can’t tell you how much I learn from it! Tim in California
Thank you for all the great work you do and the wealth of clearly presented information you make available. We’ve certainly come a LONG was since the days when Irving Sloane’s book was all a beginning luthier had to go on. I’m just starting my second guitar (first one with your guidance), the steel string acoustic. Ken
Robbie's value is self-evident; his educational offerings are, to me, the top of the heap, in just about all areas of building. Don
I love your courses. I just retired and I am hoping to build my own acoustic guitar. I bought the full "Acoustic Guitar" course, and I am really enjoying the videos. Arthur
I'm really enjoying and learning a lot from your courses. I'm on instrument #21 but still have much to learn! Thanks Robbie. Cliff
I will start by thanking you for the enormous contribution that you have made to the art of Lutherie and most importantly your ability to not talk down to us mere mortals while sharing your vast expertise. I loved your work with Trevor Gore. Thank You! Steve in Australia
Robbie, As a guitar tech getting into lutherie. The first thing I invested in was your steel string/classical course material. After watching you work, I powered up perfectly with 1st class instructions. Saved a bundle, I'm sure. Thanks! Rick
Robbies teaching is Amazing! I have purchased 3 of his online courses in the past year or so, I cannot recommend Him enough. Scott
I've learned quite a lot watching your videos, and I can't say anyone does them better than you. Daryl
I just checked out the Lutherie Academy and it seems quite an achievement. I scanned all the associates now involved with the New Academy… Amazing!!! Without a doubt you and yours have achieved the Pinnacle of Lutherie. I love it. Dave
Thank God for You Robbie & your online courses You helped me salvage my 2- parlor guitars I built for my Sons. Thank you again. Scott
Your courses are among the best I have seen - keep up the great work. Rudy
Parabéns pelo site e pelo canal de You Tube. Já vi muita coisa na internet sobre construção de violões, mas sem dúvida você tem o melhor conteúdo, tanto em qualidade como em quantidade. Marcelo - Brazil
I have now purchased 2 of your online courses, classical and acoustic guitar building. Great video courses! Edgar in Norway
I am a big fan of yours and have watched several of your videos. As a result of the very good and instructional videos I have began building classical guitars, mostly for my own use but I has also built four ukuleles for my use and the grandkids. Your videos have been my “go to” sources of information and I have purchased your plans and other materials from LMII as a result of your videos. Rob in Canada
I love your videos! They have provided a wealth of information for this novice guitar builder. Neil
Hi Robert, I absolutely love your courses and everything you are doing for Lutherie! I have several of your courses now and they are the most valuable thing I have so thank you for that! Blake - Canada
I purchased the steel string course. Very, very good Russell
I have many of Robbie's courses. They are all great! Very detailed, and generally show multiple ways to do things using power or hand tools. Philip
I have done a number of Robbie's courses, videos is not the right description. His courses are detailed and very structured and very nearly real time. If you can not be there for an in person course it is the next best thing. John
Robbie O'Brien's courses are great value for money. I own a few and was never disappointed. Very good pedagogy... Danny
I’m digging the acoustic and archtop courses so far! Scott
I've been a fan and "student" via your online materials for some time and have learned a huge amount from you, thanks! Daniel
Thank you for your time, and thank you for your commitment to high quality teaching! Daniel
Thanks Robbie for the online courses. Couldn't have done it without ya! Vincent
I’ve built guitars that sound and look incredible. Better than anything hanging in stores around here, thanks to you. You have added a wonderful addition to my life. Thanks again Larry
I felt like I fell into a gold mine when I found your instructional material. John
I'm so thankful that in your video classes and plans you give dimensional guidelines for thickness and bracing guidelines I really enjoy learning from you. You're a really good instructor. It is so special to be able to build a really awesome guitar then sit down with it and play. I've been bitten by the bug! now I'm thinking about building another one. Thanks so much for all your help! Bob
I'm absorbing all I can from your online courses. Great material. Mario
I bought 2 of your courses the voicing a steel string guitar & The inlay course Both courses are really good. Scott
I learned how to make a guitar from your online lessons. Thank you for all you do, you’re a national treasure Mr. O’Brien! Eon
Wanted to send you a big thank you from Long Island, NY for creating the amazing online guitar building content that you do! Christopher
I’m still amazed at how much I learned just from the video course, and then supplemented with all the forum activity, yours is a real well put together program. Thanks! Peter
I keep buying your online courses, and keep on loving them. Thank you for making these resources available to us. I am very grateful for them. Jeremy
Big fan of your YouTube vids and already purchased a couple of your video courses. Jered
I built my first acoustic guitar thanks to your course, and I’ve enjoyed quite a few other courses you offer on the site. Damon
I'm a second year student at a three year luthier program, (Musikinstrumentakademien), in Stockhol, Sweden. I'd like to start by thanking you for the countless on-line sessions you've provided the world. A well of inspiration! Marc
Wow! Five years ago building a ukulele from a kit. I’m definitely on a different level today thanks to Robbie O'Brien and his guitar building instruction and week-long building experience at his shop in Parker, Colorado. Mike
Acompanho seu trabalho pela internet. Uma palavra: MARAVILHOSO. Gerlado
Thank you for the great content!!!! Jason
OBrien Guitars is my go-to for instructional videos. Michael
I can highly recommend Robbie O'Brien's video courses - a wealth of information for new luthiers. Probably next best thing to learning directly from a luthier in his workshop.
I have recently watched quite a few of your instructional videos, mostly about finishing, as that is the stage I’m at with my first acoustic guitar build. I’m realizing now that I could have made a better instrument and in less time, if Id found your site before I started. Graham
Congratulations on your stellar work and thank you for sharing your techniques and forum with the guitar building community. Dave
I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your body of work as a luthier and teacher. I have followed your work, your forum, tips, videos etc. It is an incredible lifetime of achievement. Dave
I’ve learned a lot from your courses and would like to learn more!
Just want to say thanks again for your support of us who are your customers (DVDs, newsletters subscribers,etc). Bruce
I already bought 3 online courses from you and I'm very happy with them! Alexandre - France
I wanted to say thank you for creating some amazing resources. I have been immersing myself in a number of the courses I have gotten from you and love them. Marcos
My wife is an adult learner specialist and she commended the other day as she overhead one of your courses, “He is an excellent instructor” I totally agree with her. Melanie
Great courses! Got me started almost ten years ago. Peter
I Learned lutherie from a guy who went to Redwing. Moved to San Diego in 97' and worked at Taylor Guitars for 23 years, mostly in the repair department. Recently moved to Texas where I'll be setting up a shop for repair and building. I use your neck joint jig, yes I prefer dovetails. Your videos are awesome, you're spreading great info for our trade! Dave
I have jumped into the Luthery world, embarking on a dreadnaught build. Been studying and watching your videos and they seem to be very helpful!! Mark
I've been watching O'Brien's videos for years. Really great stuff! Martin
I have signed up for many of your online classes. I have gathered so much knowledge and ideas I have had a remarkable experience over the years. Thank you. Dave
Robbie's videos are fantastic. I have learned a lot from them and really admire his techniques. Stephen
thank you so much for your sharing of your lutherie skills! You are so cool! Dwayne
I think we often get so immersed into our craft or vocation that it just becomes the 'thing we do' and perhaps we don't realize who we may be influencing. There are a number of top-tier luthiers and resources out there of whom those that are newer to the craft, look up to and seek out for information and support. You're one of those people for me and your French Polish course was excellent. I've joined other online resources and taken other courses to keep learning but your approach and 'to the point' style just resonates with me. To that end, I tip my hat to you. Mike - Canada
I am quite the fan of your instructional videos! As you can see, I have bought several of them, including your classical guitar building course, your Flamenco guitar building course, your rosette making course, your guitar analysis course with Trevor Gore, and most recently, your classical guitar voicing course. I found your method of teaching wonderful, very easy to understand, and you break things down and explain everything very well. Of all the books and references on classical guitar construction I own, I find your's most helpful! Don
Thank you for the amazing video library and excellent instruction. John
I’m very impressed with your videos and watch them frequently. Bruce
I just wanted to say thanks for the great videos… I don’t think I could have done it without you. I just finished a guitar that is an amalgam of your approach and that of Trevor Gore. The guitar is live back with falcate bracing, nut and saddle compensation and is French polished using your method. I have owned several guitars (Furch, Taylor, Martin, Santa Cruz, Schenk, Collings) but I can whole heartedly say (and so does everyone else) that this guitar I built is by far the best. I believe I will give this one to my Dad and get started on the next one. Thanks again. Cory
I’ve built 10 guitars and 3 Uke’s, thanks to what I’ve learned from you. I appreciate you and what you’ve taught me. Wally
I am a trained luthier of 20 plus years but every time I watch one of your videos I learn something new and valuable. I really like the way you bring in some of the leading experts especially the ones who have done the science (like Gore). I have learned many valuable tips from you and others who are willing to share their wisdom. Anyway, my hat is off to you for a great website and teaching source. Dave
Thanks so much for all of your online output, I was explaining to my 8 y old son who was asking about my guitar making and who you were when I was watching one of your videos, how Inspirational and generous you are. Steven
Building my second guitar, thanks for all your help! Dick
This parlour size guitar boosts equal or more volume than my good old Martin D18 , with more detail and finesse in the sound. I very much have to give credit to your tutorials having helped me a lot during the build. Thanks. Jani from Finland
I very much enjoy your videos. I used to work in the shop of Bourgeois guitars in Maine in the early 90’s, and watching your videos is a walk down memory lane. Tom
Robbie has been churning out top-of-the-line lutherie instruction for many years. I have spent a long time with Robbie's full course materials and have never regretted any of it. John Calkin - American Lutherie magazine
I love your instructional videos. Your teaching style works for me. I've made some steel string acoustics (more orders coming all the time) and am now working through your classical guitar class to build a guitar for a customer. Ron
When it comes to learning how to make guitars, I have gotten more useful instruction from Robbie O'Brien's video courses (featuring Robbie, Jeff Jewitt, and a number of other instructors) than from any other source. Don
I would like to just say how incredibly informative your DVD is as well as all of your videos. Thanks so much for your inspiration! Rodney
I wanted to compliment you on the last few courses that I purchased online. Jeff's latest level sanding and Bashkin's fretwork. These were top notch productions and very informative. Peter
I have already purchased most of the courses on your site and I have enjoyed every one immensity. Especially the ones that you inject with your good natured humour :O) Thanks again, your work has really enriched the lives of many thousands of people (including me), all of whom have been greatly inspired with your online courses and YouTube videos. Wishing you all the best and continued success. Alan
I've nearly bought every course on your site - worth every penny, just don't tell the wife :O)) Alan in the UK
Thanks for all of your energy you put into the site and community. It represents a significant and very positive impact to anyone willing to dive into the world of guitar building. Mike
I have been following you for years. I've purchased a class or two from you online and and they really helped me. Robert
I love your videos! Adam
Your on line course is the best learning tool I can imagine. Wish I’d have known about it years ago. Thanks again for being a great resource of knowledge! Bill
I am enjoying your courses online. Keep up the good work. Colm
I purchased your course in December and must tell you that it is excellent. Thank you for doing such a great job of instructing. Bill
I am proud to be your student Inno Cent Fazeez - Pakistan
It's so cool to see people across the world using your videos to make an instrument and change their lives. I hope to make a nylon with you one day soon with your Brazilian expertise. William
You are to Luthiery what Bob Ross was to landscape painting. From Youtube
Your videos are absolutely life savers! Mike
I love all your shows and videos. Some of which I have watched at least five or six times. Thank you for spreading all the information. Thanks for everything you do to the community. Ahmed
Even after building guitars since the late 70’s I can always learn something from your videos.
I would like to thank you for creating your electronic guitar making courses, they provide a great combination of teaching guitar building, wood working practices, and tool use. A few years ago I wanted to build a guitar for myself (really no idea where that thought came from) and I discovered your online steel string guitar building course. After building my first guitar I became hooked and continued to build. Overall, I have purchased five of your courses. Thank you very much for all of your help and developing a teaching library that covers so many aspects of guitar building. John
I have studied many luthiers and hundreds of online videos. I want to say that you appear to stand out as the real deal and I respect the work you do and the service you provide via your YouTube videos. John
The O’Brien courses are the greatest! All of the courses (10+) have guided me step by step to successful builds, and have literally put me years ahead of the curve! Robbie Kilchenstein
Best teacher ever!! Worth every penny! Alex
I am beginner instrument maker and your channel is an oasis for me..thank you very much! lefterhsk1
Thanks for your videos ... they are such a great source of information for a new builder as I am. Matej
Out of all the overabundant luthier related presentations on the internet, your presentations are by far the most informative and least subject to luthier "myths". Thanks so much and keep up the great work. Doc
Purchased first of many of your great courses I plan to take as I continue to learn to build guitars Craig
I wanted to thank you for the excellent content in your courses. Mohammed
I absolutely love all the rich and informative content you have brought us over the years!!! Doc
Thanks Mr. O'Brien..... FYI, you are the best of the bunch that describe guitar building techniques. You are so explanatory, your personality is fun, thoughtful, and provoking and extremely educational. I have been around guitar making for a long long time and you are my favorite by far!!!! DR
The instruction videos are great. It’s like having an instructor in the room, and before I do a step, I will review the video and it just makes sense. Mike
Your online video courses have also been a treat and very helpful over the years. Jim
The videos that I have purchased from your web site have been very informative and illuminating for me. It was a good thing when I found your web site. Charlie
I get a lot out of the videos you regularly provide, and they're very entertaining. Charlie
Thanks for being such a excellent resource for the building community!" Bill
I am an amateur guitar builder who has learned a lot from your videos. I just wanted to say thank you. Jeff
God love you Robbie! If you've made half the people I imagine as happy and as obsessed as you've made me, you have got to feel great about the foot print you have left in this world so far. I couldn't feel better about my finished build. I finished it end of June and my other two store bought guitars have felt awfully lonely since. It's sound, tonality, projection and playability are amazing. Jud
I would not have come this far without all your instructional videos. Martin
Love your videos and am continuing my luthier journey following your instruction! Ron
I have spent a few months cleaning out the garage and gathering my tools. Now I can make my forms and jigs. Looking forward to getting my first solo guitar started in the next month or so. Rick in Arizona
Your online courses are a great source of information and have helped me along my path of becoming a more knowledgeable Luthier. Andrew
I’ve been following your instructional videos on YouTube since my first guitar and I can’t thank you enough for your educational material. Almost every time I come across an obstacle in a build your videos are my first stop. Not only that your LMI Neck Jig has made my life SO much easier. Dan
You are one of the best teachers and communicators out there without doubt. Francisco - Spain
I have purchased both your classical guitar building course and your steel string course. I have built 4 classicals and 2 steel strings. As always your videos are great and serve as a wonderful guide through the whole process. Steven
Enjoying your online course more than Netflix! Raul
I am hooked! I am enjoying watching and learning how to build a classical guitar. I am binge watching through the lessons and cannot wait to get started. I am taking your advice and watching all the videos before starting. Raul
I'm always happy to see new courses appear on your site. They are always the best available. john
Robbie O’Brien, you are the most unbelievably energetic and comprehensive teacher in the entire History of lutherie. You are an incomparable source of craft wisdom and know-how. Thank you for being alive on Earth and doing what you do! Stephen
I really appreciate your videos! They have really been helpful. Mark
I just signed up to start doing your guitar courses - I am loving them so far. Jeff
I am a student of yours through your online courses (I’m now up to 7) and very much appreciate and enjoy your pragmatic (and entertaining) approach to Lutherie. I do at some point, hopefully in the near future intend on booking in person. Bruce
I bought your video lessons about 5 years ago and this is my 10th build. Still refer to them for some of the brilliant tips you include. Sonicstrat
I like your common sense approach to guitar building and that you don’t take things too seriously, it has really helped me. There’s a lot of hype and BS out there... you teachings are practical and concise. Bruce
Thanks for your many videos. They have been very helpful on my build. Ted
Just built my 4,5,6 guitar. This time I tried a few new techniques. Arm bevel, venetian cutaway and florentine cutaway, laminated pegged (back and front).Your online resources are fantastic. Three years ago I would have never thought I could build a guitar. Thanks for your help! Kip
Robbie's instructional video is excellent! Jeff
Love this guy I’ve been building Guitars now for 10 years if it wasn’t for Rob O’Brien I would never be able to get it done. This man turned me into a master Luthier. The best content on the Internet!!!!! Thank you Mr. Robert O’Brien you are the man!!! When people ask me how I learned how to build guitars I tell him I went to school of Robert O’Brien!!
your videos are excellent - thanks!! John
Your videos are excellent and detailed. Thank you. John
I bought the courses on electric guitar building and French polishing a few years ago, I highly recommend these courses. I learned alot ? Tim
Your teachings have given us the ability to give voice to a tree. That voice then is able to express emotion without words. Our guitars radiate love, life, memories and healing frequency that everyone around can benefit from. Your teachings are priceless, and we luthier students are grateful. Abe
Through your Online Video Courses, Luthier Tips du Jour and Forum I have found guitar building a new passion that gives purpose to my life. I hope sometime in the future I can meet you and personally tell you, how appreciative I am of your teaching. Tim
Thank you for you contributions to luthiery education and making so many resources available. Jack
I’ve been enjoying and benefiting from your great videos for several years now. As a small music store owner and teacher for years now, I’m still learning, and I appreciate it. Clyde
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise. I have learned a lot from your videos. Hector
All your instructional videos and YouTube tips are truly exceptional, brilliantly educational with a big dose of good natured humour throughout - thank you. Alan in the UK
Your courses are inexpensive for the knowledge they impart. David
I bought your online course and am working my way through it. Nice job on the content and the online interface. Kevin
Being a chronically unemployable termite, (carpenter, woodworker, furniture designer and high end cabinet shop owner (once had 2 shops and 25 employees)) I have had the most fun and pleasure learning lutherie from you. And working with small, light weight pieces of beautiful wood with high precision has been the upmost pleasure for an old guy in his seventies… thank you so very much. Dave
I’m emailing you all the way from the east coast of Canada, the province of Newfoundland/Labrador. As Far East as you can go in North America. I watch your videos all the time. Greg
Thank you very much Robbie, for all that you do, this is a great site you have built and your online programs really are incredible, thank you again!! Dave
I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your videos and appreciate all the time you put into them and I know many others do as well. Dylan
I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your videos and appreciate all the time you put into them and I know many others do as well. Dylan
Excellent, your explanations are simple and the methods always work! Appreciate it. Jeff
Your videos are outstanding, thank you. JIm
My name is James Martinez, I live in Ft.Lauderdale, Fl. I have built and completed 4 guitars, 2 classical and 2 steel string. All following your online courses. James
I really like the way you demonstrate multiple methods for accomplishing a task. It’s one extra bonus that sends your ratings through the roof Roger
I always watch your videos because there is always something to learn and you do a great job. Marco - Italy
Thank you for all you do! Your teaching, instruction and dedication to bringing us a full list of professional insight from marketing, building and quality craftsmanship is far more valuable than the modest price you charge us. I know that you are making some sacrifices in order to present us with the knowledge you bring us. Thank you for being willing to do so! Dustin
Really love your courses- I have purchased the OM, neck resetting and French polish courses so far. All fantastic! Cary
Thanks for putting these courses together and for always being willing to answer questions - you make the world of guitar building much more accessible! Mike
Thanks for your videos and advice. Because of such, my guitars have been a success! The technical term for that, is GOOD! Brody
Love your videos! Very informative and just plain fun Alfred
Congratulations Robbie, thank you for all that you do. early on in my career I built my first commission based on your videos. That guitar ended up being played by a Grammy award winning artist on the bbc stage. Behrad
First I'll say thank you for your online courses. I've taken your class on voicing and chisel sharpening and my shop is better for it. Your class on voicing was awesome! Made instant improvements to my work. Matt
You're a terrific teacher on-line. I can only imagine what it's like to be in your shop. Alex - Brazil
I have probably bought every book on the topics, and I do consult them, but your video course makes it impossible to misunderstand the steps! Mike
Thanks to you I have now completed my first guitar. I started with a kit so not to have a too steep learning curve and thanks to all your videos I successfully navigated through all the difficult passages. Staffan
The quality of your work and training is really superb! Sean - United Kingdom
Robbie has done an amazing job of providing training to all of us. For about the cost of one private lesson for him you can learn about making many types of instruments and many different skills. I only takes about 9 days without sleep to view them all. Thanks Robbie for providing enough material to last for at least 1 if not 2 retirements. David
Thank you for your time and energy pulling all of this information and videos together!! I'm really enjoying the process. Mike
Thanks to Robert for making such great online courses and information available for those of us aspiring luthiers! Luis - Brazil
Can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed the videos in the course. Very professionally done. John
Learned so much from your videos! Jeff
I’ve been subscribed to your channel for a while and just wanted to send a thank you. I just finished building my first guitar and a number of your videos were a huge help in getting it all done. In particular, the spraying and finishing videos I watched several times and in the end I got a great finish. So thank you! Mike
I wanted to say thanks for all the work you have put into your online courses and videos. They have been a major help to me with learning the craft of guitar building. Frank
I know you have lots of students that you have taught/have come through the shop. It is clear that you have the heart of a teacher by the communication style and patience you convey in your videos. Having said that I wanted to thank you for your resources, the neck jig I got from LMI, your overall contribution to the lutherie and the motivation after watching your videos that gave me the optimism that it was possible to accomplish. Kip in Tennessee
The videos I have bought so far are great. I will be buying more. Thank you! John
I watch all of your videos some two and three times. You have been a great inspiration to me. Thank you very much.. Hector
Hey Robbie...I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for your wonderful lessons. Your videos have been informative, entertaining and inspiring. Since my first lesson purchase last year, I have built a nice little humble shop in the basement and I look forward every day to putting into practice the guitar building techniques you have taught. Once again, thank you for giving me purpose after I retire in a few years. Jeff
Your videos have been very helpful to me. Thank you for the all the information you have provided to the guitar building world Frank
Thank you for all the instructional videos—a great help to me 'Bill
I have purchase 7 of your excellent online courses. Your online courses are brilliant. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise, it is very much appreciated. Alan
“I have spent many hours with Robert O'Brien and other Luthiers that offer lessons/classes. I have learned the most, and feel (by far) the most confident with Robert O’Brien. The primary reasons are clarity of lessons, presentation and variety of topics.”
“Robbie is so accessible. I'm lucky as he's in Colorado and I've gone to his shop a few times, but he's always there via email, phone etc. And no matter what idiot thing I've done, he doesn't ever make me think he thinks I'm an idiot. Superb teacher!
“I think O’Brien Guitars hits the best balance of price, accessibility,breadth of offerings, quality of instruction and production out there.”
Thank you for putting together such a complete 'program' to let folks explore guitar building. From my perspective (someone who likes to do things myself), I can hardly imagine a more perfect setup. Mike
Your videos have helped me in my progression as a luthier thank you. Scott in Indianapolis
I have a variety of Robbie's online courses and each one is delightfully entertaining and informative with very clear instructions on how to perform each task. Robbie makes the process of building an instrument look straight forward. The video courses offered is a great way to learn and Robbie is a very good teacher. Kim in Oregon
I purchased your online courses for classical and steel string guitars. In my opinion these are the best guitar-building instructional materials (video or written) available anywhere. Every step is explained and demonstrated in intricate detail. Your teaching style has a way of reducing stress and making the entire process an enjoyable journey, and the end result is a really great guitar! Jim
Thank you so much for your informative videos on all aspects of luthierie. I am a self taught musician and luthier that has gained enormously from them. Geoffrey in Florida
I’ve bought eight of your courses - Acoustic Guitar Building, Ukulele Building, Florentine and Venetian Cutaway, Fretting, French Polishing, Arm Bevel and Sharpening. I was also a student in your Steel String Voicing class and have stopped by your shop on several occasions for one-on-one help. Each time I head down to the shop to work on a particular aspect of the build, I run through that chapter of your course and make sure I’m up to speed on what to do. It always reminds me to watch for this or that and keeps me focused on the important steps. Tony in Colorado
What makes these lessons work for me is the simple fact that Robbie is a gifted educator. I spent my entire career in education and educational administration. During those 40 years I encountered many good teachers, some fair teachers, and a few horrible teachers. The great teachers numbered the fewest. They stood out in innumerable ways. But mostly they understood the difference between being an expert in their chosen field and being an expert in the communication skills necessary to communicate effectively and well. Great teachers accomplish both, and to do so in a compelling, engaging manner that empowers students rather than overwhelm them! In my opinion, Robbie is a GREAT teacher. He's obviously an expert. But he's an expert educator as well. And that makes the project engaging, fun and achievable for his students. I recommend his video courses wholeheartedly, and with my highest respect and admiration. Paul in Tucson
"Robbie has the unique ability to make you feel as though you are right there with him in his shop. In his amicable and casual yet confident style he looks straight into the camera, speaking directly to you while he shares his wealth of knowledge with a touch of good Irish humour." (Canadian spelling) Ernest in Canada
"I have been a student of Robbie O’Brien's since 2010 when he lead the Lutherie Program at the local community college. I was the first person to purchase Robbie’s first online course “Classical Guitar Building” It feels as though Robbie is still right there, supporting me every step of the way. His in-depth step by step video programs are amazing and his style of building make it so easy to follow. It makes for a very pleasant building experience. I continue to purchase his online courses when ever a new one arrives online. I am humbled that he allowed me to be a part of the "Ukulele Online Course”. I am a full time builder and love when my instruments are played all over the world. Thanks Robbie for being such a great friend, an amazing teacher and mentoring me into the luthier I am today. " Heidi in Canada
Your style and instruction is second to none. Thank you. Gary
I think the presentation, quality of instruction, and logical ordering of the process that you have created is second to none. I just finished my fourth guitar, the first to go to someone else, and I am so grateful to have these resources available, I don't think my progression would be nearly as fast were it not for the online courses. Peter
I'd like to thank you for taking the time to make your online video courses available. It's a real help to those of us who are not in position to apprentice in person. Thanks again for everything. Your information (including the free videos on YouTube) have me feeling even more comfortable that I'll be able to become a decent luthier. My first guitar will likely not be a masterpiece, but one day... Pete C. - Fayetteville, AR
Only now, I have come across your site on Guitars etc; To say that it the most comprehensive of all the Guitar sites that I have visited, is an understatment. The wealth of information that you so willingly display is just phenominal. Brian – South Wales – UK